Half a day, one aengus burger meal and a couple of hours of sleep later, it was

Day 2, Friday 9th February 2007

"Hi Andreas, you just missed all the blood-gore-and-machette-bonanza!"
With these words Dan Martin welcomed me in the dressing room on set, a bottle of blood in his hand. Brilliant. Bass player Tim and me soon agreed that seeing this guy working is better than watching Mythbusters. Only about the fake bleed, we were a bit suspicious.

Dan: This stuff is non-toxic, but doesn't actually taste very nice.
I: Like English beer?
Achilleas: Well, then I'm not sure about the "non-toxic"!

Since I didn't really have anything to do anymore, I decided to show up somewhat later, since I had to pick up Lianna at King's Cross first anyway. Basically I spent the day taking some black'n white stills of the scenery and sipping coffee to fight the omnipresent damp coldness.
All the indoor shots were being taken in a big old warehouse on the studio site. The dressing room was the only heated room and home to a big boiler and a massive coffe and milk supply, therefore this room was constantly overcrowded and thus even warmer. The rest of the warehouse was so cold that after a couple of minutes my feet started hurting, despite wearing heavy boots. The athmosphere in the store rooms was fantastic, some professional lighting in there made the place more than creepy, a puddle on the floor made you feel freezingly damp just by looking at it and in such a video you can't go wrong with seeing everybody's breath coming out in white clouds. There even were some dead rats in the corners, which actually had not been put there on purpose. I felt a bit sorry for poor Tim discovering one of them while having to lie next to it...The band had already been shooting the character scenes all day, hence I missed most of the gory parts. At some points anyhow, I couldn't be bothered to leave to warmth of the dressing room and going to Tesco on behalf of the band seemed not so bad, because it wasn't colder outside at all. Actually most of us agreed that it felt warmer outside, for some reason.

It was quite funny going to lunch at some run down place close to the studios.
Imagine a couple of builders seeing a bunch of long haired people coming in, all with corpse paint, gory make-up or just plain dirty, accopanied by some half naked beauties.
Lasagna with Salad & Chips: 3 Pounds
Coca Cola: 60 Pennies
The expression on the face of the waitress: Priceless!

A couple of exhausting hours later all the scenes were shot so could finally order some pizza for everybody and clear the warehouse before heading back to central London on the district line and going straight to bed. It's absolutely fantastic to see pors working there and I can't wait to see the finished video, which might be ready by the end of the month.

Tonight, all cast & crew are going to have drink together at the legendary Cro Bar in Soho.
For now, my feet, my back and the tendants in my forearms still hurt, but being in this video has been worth all the effort and sacrifice, methinks.
Some stills of the production should be online soonish.

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